Area di ricerca: COLLANA
1. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876528828 Connors Michael Inculturated pastoral planning. The U.S. hispanic experience
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 2001 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | More than ever before, the Church needs a true praxis theology, one that respects equally the intellectual and spiritual traditions of Christianity, while it contextualizes these traditions with the many concerns of the world. The present study is set in the light of the troubled history of relations between the United States and Mexico, and deals with the subtleties of the situation of Mexican Americans. His theological and pastoral project takes on the power of political analysis as well, enabling him to initiate some experimental thought not only on inculturation but on authentic liberation. It is to his greater credit that he listens to the voices of Mexicans and other Hispanics to testify to the importance of building a Church that deeply respects all local cultures. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
2. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876527791 Understanding and discussion. Approaches to muslim-christian dialogue
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1998 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | This 20th volume of the series Inculturation celebrates its 15th anniversary. It treats of the challenge of interreligious dialogue, especially with Muslims. The study is made up of four articles. The first, by the then General of the Society of Jesus, Fr. P.-H. Kolvenbach is the fruit of an experience of life and a reflection matured in the Near East and further developed in Rome. The second article, by Prof. Edmond Farahian S. J., represents the inaugural lecture of the New Chair of Interreligious Dialogue at the Gregorian University. The third is a study by Prof Farahian and Prof. Christiaan van Nispen tot Sevenaer, S.J., which treats of biblical-theological questions connected with the religious encounter between Muslims and Christians. The issue concludes with a text written by Prof. Arij A. Roest Crollius, S. J. which treats in a more general way of interreligious dialogue, underlining the conditions of an encounter in truth. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
3. | € 20,00 | EAN-13: 9788876527265 Yumarma Andreas Unity in diversity. A philosophical and ethical study of the javanese concept of Keselarasan
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1996 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 20,00 | Descrizione | With this 19th volume of Inculturation the subtitle has changed into Intercultural and Interreligious Studies. It is the aim of these publications, to bring to the attention of pastors, researchers and teachers various situations of interculturality and interreligiosity, and their relevance for the process of inculturation. By this study on the Javanese concept of Keselarasan, Fr. Yumarma has done a frontier-breaking work of research on his own culture and the instruments it offers to live in situations of interculturality and interreligiosity. The Lessons contained in the term Keselarasan reach far beyond Java and Indonesia. The author has, however, also dared to show some negative sides of this very same concept. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
4. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876527074 Croegaert Luc L' évangelisation du royaume de Kongo et de l'Angola
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1996 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | Létude présente lhistoire de lévangélisation du royaume de Kongo et de lAngola, à partir de 1482, tandis que Diogo Cão touche terre à Mpinda, près de lembouchure du Zaïre, et découvre en même temps lexistence du Royaume de Kongo. Les premiers missionnaires sont un group de franciscains, chanoines de saint Jean lEvangéliste, dominicains et prêtres diocésaines. Les jésuites sont envoyés en deux missions, la première en 1548 et la deuxième en 1619. Létude présente aussi la mission dAngola, commencée en 1559, grâce à lenvoi de quatre jésuites. En Angola, devenue colonie portugaise, les missionnaires se dédièrent surtout à linstruction et à la diffusion de la culture humaniste. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
5. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526800 Standaert Nicolas The fascinating God
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1995 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | The object of this book is the name of the Christian God in Chinese language. Taking a text of a 17th Chinese Christian author as his starting point, Standaert focus only on the names of Shangdi, Tian and Tianzhu. Anyone attempting inculturation in Chinese culture might benefit from reading the writings of the 17th century Chinese Christians. For these writings also convey an implicit answer to the question: how to express the Christian faith and experience when entering Chinese culture? These 17th century Chinese Christians faced some fundamental questions that still exist today. Questions like: Who is God and how can Gods name be expressed in Chinese? Why was Jesus Christ not born in China? What is sin and how can it be remitted? Dialogue with these fundamental questions and with the answers they gave can be a help for inculturated theology today. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
6. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526732 Dinh Duc Dao Joseph Preghiera rinnovata per una nuova era missionaria in Asia
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1994 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | Il punto di partenza di questo studio è la convinzione che una nuova evangelizzazione in Asia richiede una rinnovata vita di preghiera. Lautore, per favorire uno studio approfondito, ha limitato la propria ricerca alla preghiera personale. Lo studio si articola in tre parti. La prima studia il pensiero della FABC (Federation of the Asian Bishops Conferences) sullargomento. La seconda analizza le riflessioni di due autori, William Johnston e Yves Raguin, che si pronunciano positivamente in merito alla possibilità di integrare la preghiera cristiana con le forme della meditazione asiatica, come lo Zen. Nella terza parte lautore offre alcune riflessioni personali sul tema affrontato. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
7. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526749 Yunus Emre: spiritual experience and culture
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1994 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | This volume presents the papers of the seminar which commemorated Yunus Emre, the Turkish poet in the occasion of 750th anniversary of his birth. These are the contents of the book: The era of Yunus Emre and Turkish Humanism, by Melek Delilbaşi, Head of History Dept., Ankara University; Abraham as a model of Spiritual Experience in Monotheistic Traditions, by Bruna Costacurta, Gregorian University; cultural background of Yunus Emre, by Sevim Tekeli, Ankara University; Yunus Emre et sa philosophie, by Ibrahim Agâh Çubukçu, Ankara University; Islam and Christian Spirituality in Spain: Contacts, Influences, Similarities, by Francisco de Borja de Medina, S. J., Gregorian University; Lhomme, le monde et lunivers chez Yunus Emre, by Kenan Gürsoy, Ankara University; Some elements of the Mysticism of St. Francis in the Thirteenth Century Context, by William Henn, OFM Cap., Gregorian University; Art and Architecture of Anatolia in the Age of Yunus Emre, by Oluş Arik, Ankara University; Contemporary Approaches to Mysticism, by John ODonnell, S. J., Gregorian University | Aggiungi al Carrello |
8. | € 7,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526633 Neckebrouck Valeer Resistant peoples. The case of the pastoral maasai of east Africa
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1993 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 7,00 | Aggiungi al Carrello |
9. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876525780 Cultural change and liberation in a christian perspective
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1992 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | The present volume is made up of three papers which were discussed at the Jerusalem seminar of the F.I.U.C. in 1985. The paper of Prof. Marcel Dumais intends to define the relationship between faith and culture according to the Acts of the Apostles. The article by Prof. Rosemary Goldie deals with the hitherto almost unexplored role of women in the inculturation of Christianity. The paper illustrates the irreversible trend towards greater self-awareness among women, even in the most traditional societies, and the relevance of this trend for inculturation. The paper of Prof. Andrzej Święcicki situates the process of cultural change in the field of tension between the divine, ultimate perfection and the process of human history. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
10. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526404 Biernatzki William E. Roots of acceptance: the inculturation communication of religious meanings
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1991 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | The aim of this study is to help missionaries and other religious workers better understand the obstacles they encounter, as well as the opportunities they can exploit, in cultural settings to which the Church has recently been introduced. The missionary religions face the problem of communicating to people of other cultures the sets of meanings which define each institutions character and purpose. The author in this book applies some of the insights of social and cultural anthropology to assist in understanding the cultural processes underlying thus problem. The insights the author offers may help anticipate problems arising because of cultural assumption in cultures which the Church is trying to enter for the first time. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
11. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526350 Bate Stuart C. Evangelization in the South African context
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1991 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | The emergence of Prophetic Theology, of Black theology, of African Theology, of Coping/Healing Churches and of a Pastoral Plan in the catholic Church are five contextual manifestations of a single process in which the Church is rooting itself in the South African soil thus moving from being a settler-mission Church to a local Church. The first part of the study is an attempt to present a description of each of the five cited phenomena as they are manifesting themselves within the South African context. The second part of the study attempt to interpret these phenomena in terms of a theological hermeneutic key. The author examines two interpretative keys: that of Contextualisation and that of Inculturation. The study shows that both models can be used to reveal complementary conclusions for Evangelisation in the South African context | Aggiungi al Carrello |
12. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876525728 Effective inculturation and ethnic identity
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1991 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | The present volume is made up of five papers. The first, by sr. Maria de la Cruz Aymes, S. H., and by Rev. J. Buckley, S. J., is about the Catechesis of Hispanics in the United States. The second, by fr. Eugenio Maurer, S. J., deals with the mentality of the conquistadores, and with the inculturation project among the Tseltal Indians. The third, by fr. Charles Nyamiti, examines the catholic teaching on the Trinity in the light of the black African understanding of ancestor veneration. The fourth article, by Rev. William Biernatzky, S. J., develops how effective tools for the study of inculturation can best be developed from the empirical perspective of cultural anthropology. The fifth study, by Rev. George A. De Napoli, S. J., about the inculturation as communication, attempts to spell out in detail some of the complexities in trying to inculturate Christian meanings and values in the different societies. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
13. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526046 Faith and culture. The role of the catholic university
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1991 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | The broad theme of this study has been examined by the 16th General Assembly of IFCU in Jakarta from August 1 to 5, 1988. This topic was undertaken as a contribution to the World Decade for Cultural Development 1988-1997 as celebrated under the auspices of United Nations Organizations and Unesco. The approach adopted was prepared by international teams and by a world-wide questionnaire sent to all member institutions of IFCU. The results of that enquiry are reflected in the papers of this report. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
14. | € 5,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526084 What is so new about inculturation?
Edizione: | Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1991 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 5,00 | Descrizione | The present volume is made up of three studies. The first one, by Ary Roest Crollius, S. J., focuses on the anthropological meaning of the word culture and various derivative concepts and goes on to show how the notion of inculturation grew from that. The second one, by Théoneste Nkéramihigo critically examines the usage of the word inculturation. He indicates the often overlooked historical fact that Christianity has been incarnated in a Western context and it is in that guise that it has been presented to non-Western peoples. In the third article Ary Roest Crollius shows that cultural reality is built on the active correlation between man and his world, and between man as being-in-the-world and man as being-with-others-in-the-world. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
15. | € 15,00 | EAN-13: 9788876525674 Building the Church in pluricultural Asia
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1989 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 15,00 | Descrizione | The present volume publishes some of the papers of the Jerusalem Symposium which have more directly to do with inculturation in Asia. The first, by Robert Hardawiryana, presents a little summa on inculturation in the pluricultural situation of Asia. The second one, by Arul M. Varaprasadam, is a presentation of the growing of the Church in the ethnic, religious and cultural pluralism of India. The third study, by Kees Bertens and the fourth, by J. B. Banawiratma, deal with inculturation in Indonesia. The sixth, by Maria Elena Chiong-Xavier, is an anthropological study on the cultural change provoked by the preaching of the Gospel in the Philippines. The seventh, by Peter Knecht, highlights the problem of ancestors worship in the Japanese religious and cultural consciousness. The last study, by Jospeh Dinh Duc Dao, deals with Zen meditation and inculturation in the Asian context. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
16. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876525704 Creative inculturation and the unity of faith
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1989 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | The present volume present three studies which were read and discussed during the Jerusalem seminar of FIUC in 1985. The first study, by Paul Surlis, is about the relation between social justice and inculturation in the Papal Magisterium. The second one, entitled Accommodating Culture Without Dissolving the Unity of the Faith, was presented by Thomas Langan; the third contribution on Catholicism in the United States: Some Elements of Creative inculturation was given by Rodger Van Allen. By way of introduction, a brief study by the Editor, Arij A. Roest Crollius, S. J., has been added which is an effort to formulate the problem of doctrinal unity within a pluricultural church. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
17. | € 5,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526091 L' inculturation et la sagesse des nations
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1984 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 5,00 | Descrizione | Dans ce volume trois auteurs nous présentent des peuples et des cultures très dissemblables dans le temps et dans lespace. Le première étude, qui est du Père Maurice Gilbert, se réfère au Livre de la Sagesse, quun écrivain juif a directement rédigé en grec, et où se trouvent admirablement conjuguées la pensée de lAncien Testament et la culture hellénistique. Dans la seconde, le p. Paul Sye examine les sources historiques et lenracinement du christianisme dans un milieu marqué par un long passé confucéen et bouddhique comme la Corée. Enfin, le P. Théo Nkéramihigo nous amène en Afrique où il approfondit la rencontre entre la culture africaine traditionnelle et lactivité missionnaire. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
18. | € 5,00 | EAN-13: 9788876524059 Bible and inculturation
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1983 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 5,00 | Descrizione | The present volume presents the contributions which touch the central theme of the 1982 Jerusalem Seminar. They illustrate the intimate relation between Revelation and culture in the Documents of Christian faith. The first study, by Paul Beauchamp, S.J., is about the role of the Old Testament in the process of building up local churches. The second one, by Francesco Rossi de Gasperis, is entitled Continuity and newness in the faith of the mother church of Jerusalem. The third one is an article of Reinhard Neudecker on the Sermon on the Mount as a Witness to Inculturation. The last study, by Mark Fang, deals with the sensus plenior in Holy Scripture and in the Chinese Classics. The volume opens with the address of Pope John Paul II to the members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (26.4.1979). | Aggiungi al Carrello |
19. | € 10,00 | EAN-13: 9788876526107 On being Church in a modern society
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1983 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 10,00 | Descrizione | In this volume the relevance of a reflection on inculturation in connection with American thought and cultural heritage is discussed by three authors. Whilst Theodore F. Zuern presents the case of native American cultures, Joseph A. Tetlow deals with America, the melting pot of cultures, societies and denominations. Peter Schineller analyses the theological value structure as found in the pluricultural, technotronic world of the United States. In this way, he applies to a particular country what Marcello de Azevedo in his Inculturation and the Challenges of Modernity has elaborated for the world at large. | Aggiungi al Carrello |
20. | € 3,00 | EAN-13: 9788876524844 Carvalho Azevedo Marcello de Inculturation and the Challenges of modernity
Edizione: | Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, 1982 | Collana: | Inculturation | Tempi di rifornimento | Indicativamente procurabile in 20-25 giorni lavorativi | Info disponibilità | Rifornimento in corso | Prezzo di acquisto | € 3,00 | Aggiungi al Carrello |